Mobility Ireland will always try to ensure that this website is fully up to date and the information contained within it is accurate and free from error. We cannot however accept responsibility for any unintentional errors, omissions or ambiguities.
Any information collected from this website will be used for statistical purposes only. No individual names will be retained or sold to any third party.
We also monitor customer traffic patterns and the way the site is used to help us to develop the design, functionality and layout of the Mobility Ireland web site.
As this site contains links to other sites (e.g. links page) we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of Web sites to which we link. When clicking on these links to other sites none of your personal information (like your email address and URL) is recorded. All information that you submit is passed directly to the relevant sites or search engines. As a result, it is possible that you may receive some promotional emails from them.
Every effort has been made to make this website truly accessible and available to the widest possible audience.